Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hail Storm!!

So we just had a hail storm blow through our town. It was crazy! Some of the hail were as big as bouncy balls as you can see in the photo where I'm holding one. It was so loud that my sister said she could hear it over the phone as it was hitting our roof.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chester's Homecoming

Chester came home on the 2nd of March. It was fun going to the valley to pick him up.

Trevor and Cody were trying to keep Wyatt occupied by riding the escalator a few times.

Cody and Deloris holding the sign as we are waiting for him to walk down the corridor.
Chester taking pictures of everybody waiting for him as he comes from the corridor.

Mom's first. She was sobbing at this point.

Cody taking his turn.

Wyatt was pretty excited to see him as well.

Trevor was proud to see his little brother. You can't see it but Trevor was crying too.

On the way to get his luggage. The boys stayed with Chester the whole time.
It's good to have Chester home. He's fun to be around and he's changed abit too. Oh yeah and by the way he's engaged already also, but that's for another post entirely.